July 31, 2024

Q&A: Masterchef’s Juan de la Cruz on His Gluten Free Mission

When passion meets purpose in the kitchen, it’s a recipe for something truly special. It’s even more intriguing when a cook’s passion leads them to embrace gluten free cooking—not because of personal dietary restrictions, but out of commitment to a cause.

That’s why we couldn’t wait to chat with Juan de la Cruz. Born and raised in Argentina, Juan has quickly become a favourite among foodies across Australia, captivating audiences as a contestant on MasterChef Australia 2024 with his infectious smile and vibrant dishes.

Juan de la Cruz on Masterchef Australia 2024. (Photo by Masterchef Australia)

More remarkable, Juan has taken on the role as a gluten free cook. Since Masterchef, he has actively shared his gluten free recipe creations and lifestyle tips online for reasons close to his heart. Beyond cooking, Juan’s creativity doesn’t stop; he’s also a talented singer/songwriter, and even a board game designer – clearly, he’s got the knack for creation and innovation.

We sat down with Juan to discuss his journey in the kitchen and approach to gluten free cooking, where he also shared some helpful gluten free tips and tricks. Cooking from the heart and eager to shake things up, Juan is passionate about making gluten free food something everyone can get around.

GluteGuard: Hello Juan! It’s great to catch up. We’re love seeing a proud gluten free cook shine on such a popular show and continue to share gluten free recipes online! Could you tell us about your journey to MasterChef Australia 2024 and how cooking became such a big part of your life?

Juan: Cooking has been for me, since I was very young, a way to connect with my family and my culture. As a kid with asthma, I wasn’t always “outdoors ready”. So, while my siblings (I have eight!) were playing outside, I would stay home watching my mum cook for all of us. I started asking to try her food and learned about spices and flavours. Since then, my mum taught me how to cook with love and instinct.

Life took me to travel around the world and ended with me living in my beloved Australia, where I became a citizen, and cooking was a way to connect with my heritage and my new life. Not long after becoming Australian, and by chance, I had a chat with a casting producer of the show. She asked a few questions about me, my passion for food, and said, “You are made for this show”. After a lot of auditions and cooks, I was chosen to be part of MasterChef Australia!

Juan's Polenta Bruschetta with Nduja and Feta

GluteGuard: That’s quite a journey! You now call yourself a gluten free cook, though you’re not required to live gluten free yourself. What inspired this change?

Juan: Five years ago, I met Amy, my girlfriend, and I think she fell in love because of my food haha. She wasn’t much of a foodie when we met, but I showed her my passion for food, and she started to be a foodie too.

We loved going out to restaurants and trying as many different cuisines as we could, and I would go back home and try to replicate our favourite dishes. But gradually, she started feeling unwell after eating and after several medical studies, she was diagnosed with a gluten-related disorder that required her to switch to a strict gluten free diet.

At first, it was a shock. We thought no more restaurants. No more classic recipes from my mum. I found out that gluten is hiding almost everywhere! But this wasn’t going to stop me from cooking delicious food for her, so I had to learn everything about a new way of cooking, and I was up for the challenge.

Juan celebrating with his partner, Amy, at his recent birthday party.

GluteGuard: Now your kitchen is 100% gluten free for Amy, which can be a big shift when having cooked with gluten all your life. How did you manage this initial transition?

Juan: I learned so much in a short period of time. Because one mistake could mean that Amy was in bed for a few days. First of all, I got rid of every product that had gluten in the house. This meant reading label after label to make sure that there wasn’t hidden gluten in the food we ate (sauces and spices were the trickiest!). Also, I slowly started to change cutlery, pottery, and even appliances that were contaminated (toasters are the worst).

My first resource to learn was, of course, the internet. But then I remembered some friends have similar medical conditions and their first-hand insights were very useful. I recommend following organisations like Coeliac Australia and other gluten free advocates, influencers, and healthcare professionals that talk about the gluten free diet, to learn and help spread the word. Also, you can follow me for my humble addition to the gluten free community!

Since appearing on MasterChef, Juan uses his platform to share his gluten free recipes and lifestyle tips.

GluteGuard: You’ve really gone above and beyond to make sure Amy can feel safe eating at home. A+ from us! Being close to Amy’s journey with managing a gluten free diet, you’ve undoubtedly shared many experiences. What have been the main challenges for you both, and how do you manage these moments?

Juan: Being able to manage a totally gluten free diet is very challenging. One of the main challenges is to explain to others how hard it is and how harmful gluten can be for the person medically required to avoid it. Education is needed because most people think it’s a choice, a fad, a trend. Our social lifestyle has changed because we cannot join lots of plans like before. We have to plan in advance our meals, either eating before attending an event or taking the food with us. We have had to become very vigilant also when we go out or on trips. It becomes an everyday worry.

When we decide to go out for dinner, it’s Amy’s time to investigate. She has become a researcher, a gluten free detective, haha. She is part of Facebook groups that recommend places and products that are gluten free safe. She looks for any comments on socials about new gluten free places. She even calls the places to see if they actually understand what it means to be gluten free and decides after listening to them explain. She always brings GluteGuard with her everywhere we go, for that extra peace of mind.

GluteGuard: With such a rich Argentinian culinary heritage, adapting traditional recipes to be gluten free must have been quite a challenge. How did you approach this while keeping the essence of these dishes intact?

Juan: Argentinian food is very gluten based because of the big influence of Italian cuisine and the breads and pastries brought by French immigrants. Argentina, same as Italy, has a good amount of gluten free options but replicating those in Australia was a challenge, and I love a challenge. I had to adapt everything—testing different flours, combinations, and binders—and it became an obsession for me to get the results to taste the same or even better than the gluten version.

I’m very happy with my gluten free breads, pasta and empanadas. I’m perfecting my gluten free burger buns now! And one of my favourite adaptations is the empanada dough! South America is full of varieties of empanadas. Some of them are naturally gluten free, but the Argentinian ones aren’t so I wanted to replicate texture, flavour, and stretchiness and I made it! I’m very proud of that recipe!

Juan's famous gluten free empanadas.

GluteGuard: Your gluten free empanadas look insanely good! After all your experimentation, what are some gluten free staples you believe every home cook should have, and have you come across any unconventional ingredients that work particularly well in gluten free cooking?

Juan: Luckily, lately more and more brands are releasing great gluten free flours that already include a mix of starches that make them super easy to work with. I love creating my own mix of flours for each different thing I cook to maximise their qualities but for the regular home cook, having plain and self-raising flour, xanthan gum, and baking powder should be a great base to start.

My favourite ingredient nowadays is the psyllium husk. You can make a gel with it and gives your dough a great glutinous texture. Tapioca starch is another one of my favourites for savoury breads. When cooked, it replicates the texture of melted cheese and it’s delicious.

GluteGuard: And for when you’re not cooking, do you have any favourite gluten free restaurants, and if so, what makes them special?

Juan: I have a few favourite ones, and more than the food itself, what makes them special is the peace of mind they bring to Amy. Knowledgeable staff, properly written menus with specifications and the way they serve the food, making sure is not cross-contaminated or in contact with other food that might be served in the same table containing gluten. This is where Amy finds GluteGuard helpful – just in case!

Not long ago, we visited Casa Esquina, a new Argentinian restaurant in Balmain. The staff was so helpful; they changed everything in the set menu to gluten free alternatives and we couldn’t tell the difference. The food was incredible, and Amy felt great afterwards.

GluteGuard: We’ve got to know – what’s your favourite gluten free meal you like to cook for a special occasion, and why do you love making it?

Juan: I love to make gluten free gnocchi because it’s a comfort food that involves making different elements that normally would involve gluten, but the gluten free recipe is so good that nobody can tell the difference. I make different flavours of gnocchi, sometimes stuffed, with delicious sauces. And the bread must be present on the plate. So, gluten free baguettes, garlic breads, and ciabattas, put me to the test, and I love it!

Juan's gluten free bread recipe that looks too good to be true!

GluteGuard: We’re always on the hunt for the best gluten free bread so we’re keen to test out yours! Now, for those feeling a bit overwhelmed by the idea of cooking gluten free for others, what advice would you give?

Juan: It’s easier to start with meals that are naturally gluten free (like proteins and salads) and cooking the same food for everyone helps a lot, especially with avoiding mistakes. And if they want to add the carbs, either they can opt for certified gluten free brands or take extra precaution to cover the bases of cross-contamination and hidden gluten. This means checking every label for gluten and cleaning surfaces, utensils, and hands when cooking.

In home kitchens where not everyone follows a gluten free diet, it’s wise to prep and cook in different sides of the kitchen and with allocated cutlery and plates. If possible, have different people handle gluten-containing and gluten free foods, to help avoid even the smallest mistake that can mean cross contamination.

In saying that, my first attempt at cooking a completely gluten free meal was a fail! I made only meat and a salad, but added mustard as a dressing for the salad, and just seconds before serving it, read the product label and there it was, wheat… you have to always remind yourself, to read every label, every time.

GluteGuard: Did cooking gluten free at home influence your approach to cooking on MasterChef Australia?

Juan: Totally. Most of my dishes in the MasterChef kitchen were gluten free. I wanted to show the world you can have a normal life and eat delicious food without the gluten.

Juan's Hoisin Duck with Cream Corn

GluteGuard: Looking back on all your incredible experiences you’ve had on MasterChef Australia, what moments stand out the most, and what exciting projects are you working on next?

Juan: The time that I spent with my fellow contestants, now my food family, sharing my food and mission with them was incredible, and the faces of the judges trying the food from my country and being totally in love are the most amazing memories.

I have so many projects in the works! I’m so excited with my social media channels that allow me to spread the gluten free message, a TV show in the making, delicious gluten free product development, and pop-up restaurants! Busy year ahead!

Juan’s shift from traditional to gluten free cooking, coupled with his experience on MasterChef Australia, reminds us that the kitchen is a place of endless possibilities, even with dietary limits. It’s truly refreshing to see someone who isn’t personally bound to a gluten free diet rise to the challenge of improving awareness and dedicate their skills to support the gluten free community.

Whether you’re new to gluten free cooking or have been exploring it for a while, we hope Juan’s passion for creating dishes that rival their gluten-containing counterparts inspires you to try new things. From our chat, it’s clear that gluten free cooking is all about reinventing familiar flavours and discovering new ones, learning from experimentation, and enjoying the process.

Make sure to follow Juan for more gluten free recipes and updates on his latest projects. With plenty of exciting plans lined up, there’s much to look forward to. 

Stay tuned and happy gluten free cooking!

*GluteGuard helps protect those with medically diagnosed gluten sensitivity from symtpoms of accidental gluten ingestion. Always read the label and follow the directions for use. Paid partnership.

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