December 21, 2016

Gluten-Free Doesn’t Mean Nutrition-Free!


Gluten-Free Doesn’t Mean Nutrition-Free!


According to L Gaillard, around ‘38% of those who choose gluten-free foods cite improved health as a reason’ (2016, p.180). There is naturally a higher calorie count in many gluten-free foods, and if not properly planned, embarking on a gluten-free diet can result in some nutritional deficiencies. It is therefore important for anyone cutting gluten from their diet to do as much research as possible! Common deficiencies amongst those with gluten sensitivities can include ‘iron, B vitamins, magnesium, calcium and fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K)’ (2016, p.181).

By rotating their intake of gluten-free grains, individuals are able to ensure that their fibre intake remains at the recommended level- similarly, it is encouraged that the gluten-free diet is augmented with starches such as sweet potatoes, beans and lentils. By staying informed about the nutritional value of gluten-free foods, and supplementing your gluten-free diet with GluteGuard, you can enhance your quality of life while living well and truly gluten-free!


Gaillard, L 2016, ‘Navigating Gluten-Related Health Disorders and Nutritional Considerations of Gluten-Free Diets’, North Carolina Medical Journal, 77(3), pp.180-182.


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