Feeling Fuzzy? Gluten Brain Fog
Gluten Intolerance Symptoms
The clinical presentation of gluten sensitivity can vary due to the level of intolerance from which an individual suffers. As written by C Kessler, delaying the diagnosis of gluten sensitivities can have serious health consequences, as continued ingestion of gluten is associated with symptoms such as ‘malnutrition… fatigue, headache, joint and muscle pain… and depression or anxiety’ (2015).
Clinical research has revealed that continued gluten intake in those who suffer from gluten intolerance can ‘directly affect mood and brain function’, which is why the strict maintenance of a gluten-free diet is so important (2015). By taking GluteGuard, individuals can maximise their protection against hidden gluten and more successfully maintain their gluten-free diet – find out more at https://gluteguard.com.au/about-gluteguard-sci/
Kessler, C 2015, ‘Gut Grief: The Truth About Gluten Sensitivity’, Clinician Reviews, pp. S30-A34.