November 1, 2016

How do I know if I am sensitive to gluten?


How do I know if I am sensitive to gluten?

New research has shown that gluten sensitivity isn’t ‘just a fad’, but a detectable, widespread immune response to the complexity of gluten particles!

Studies have shown that people with non coeliac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) have gut damage and a whole-body inflammatory response after ingesting gluten.

The study from Columbia University (USA), recently published in the journal, Gut, has for the first time linked gluten-induced gut damage to a widespread immune response detectable through the presence of several biomarkers previously not linked with gluten sensitivity.

What is a biomarker?

As defined by the World Health Organisation, a biomarker is ‘almost any measurement reflecting an interaction between a biological system and a potential hazard’. In the case of gluten sensitive individuals, this is the immune response to gluten particles in the digestive system, and subsequent symptoms such as bloating, diarrhoea, abdominal pain and fatigue.

What has been discovered?

In the study by Uhde and colleagues:

  • The gut damage after exposure to gluten in the gluten sensitive individuals allowed bacterial proteins to cross between the gut cells and into the blood stream (e.g. through the gut/blood barrier), where it triggered a systemic immune activation.
  • The gut damage and immune responses were detected through significantly elevated levels of several biomarkers in the blood, a new finding in the global science of gluten.
  • This means that gluten intolerance can now be detected via blood test- however, an easier solution is to supplement your gluten-free diet with GluteGuard!

Although gluten sensitivity in the absence of coeliac disease has been noted in the scientific literature since the early 1980s, these new results are important because they confirm that gluten sensitivity is a real and measurable condition — in other words, gluten sensitivity is not “just a fad”. It also highlights the emerging wave of current gluten science, which is important for those with gluten sensitivity and gluten intolerance.

These findings offer insight into why GluteGuard, with its patented natural enzyme action targeting the breakdown of gluten in the gut, can be a life-changing experience for many people

Read the Glutagen clinical summary.


  1. WHO International Programme on Chemical Safety Biomarkers and Risk Assessment: Concepts and Principles. 1993. Retrieved from
  2. Lind, M, Madsen, M, Rumessen, J, Vestergaard, H, Gobel, R, Hansen, T, Lauritzen, L, Pedersen, O, Kristensen, M, & Ross, A 2016, ‘Plasma alkylresorcinols reflect gluten intake and distinguish between gluten-rich and gluten-poor diets in a population at risk of metabolic syndrome’, Journal Of Nutrition, 146, 10, pp. 1991-1998

You might also like to check our popular tips for living gluten free with confidence post!

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